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Thursday, January 21, 2010

GSN Live!

Yesterday I was honored to be a guest on GSN Live (on the GSN channel), which airs on the east coast from 3-6pm and on the west coast from 12-3pm. I was there to help out with some giveaways as well as talk a little bit about Carnie Wilson’s new reality show, "Carnie Wilson UNSTAPLED" - which starts tomorrow! (If you missed me on GSN Live, you can check it out my facebook

While I was on GSN Live they asked me back to host for a week... hmmmm...I WONDER WHAT I’LL TALK ABOUT? The show runs during breaks between game shows, so it should be a blast.
Tomorrow...tune into Carnie Wilson UNSTAPLED on GSN (8/7c) -- I’m sure they’ll be playing the hell out of it, so if you miss the premiere, you should be able to catch on another day. I think I’ll be part of 5 or 6 of the 10 episodes they filmed. For more info on the show, check it out at...http://tv.gsn.com/shows/unstapled/

For GSN we also filmed a few “webisodes” about how I developed YRG and all about the workout... I talked, and talked, and talked... imagine that! HA HA HA ! btw I'm really laughing as I reread this blog and had to write that... Stay tuned for more on those webisodes.
I’m making a big push for the YRG Fitness System this year, so please show us some support and check out some of the upcoming PR opportunities coming up...
A great new article by my friend Bambi Weavil at http://www.outimpact.com/features/health-spirituality-wellness/yrg-life-terms-3457

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